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Arthritis Management

What is arthritis?

Arthritis will make your joints more tender and swollen which only gets worse as you age. You will start to feel joint pain, and then your range of motion will start to decrease. Your movement becomes more painful and difficult as the condition progresses, which is why getting treatment early is important for your condition.

Getting early treatment can decrease the damage you receive from arthritis, allowing you free and painless movement for years to come.


You will start to feel arthritis setting in your joints because of the following symptoms.

1. Pain
2. Swelling
3. Redness
4. Stiffness
5. Decrease range of motion

There are different types of arthritis which is why you need to consult your doctor to find out which type you have and the best course of treatment.


Arthritis usually falls under osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis; they both cause damage to your joints but in differing ways.

Cartilage is the hard and slick coating found on the ends of your bones where they form a joint. It cushions the ends of your bones to allow almost frictionless joint motion.

Osteoarthritis causes gradual damage to your joint’s cartilage. Damaged cartilage has your bones directly grind on each other. The grinding of your bones causes restricted movement and pain.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

This condition has your immune system attacking the lining of your joint capsule. Your lining then becomes swollen and inflamed, which can cause the destruction of your bone and cartilage.

Who is at risk of developing arthritis?

Older individuals

Older individuals are at greater risk of developing arthritis, and the risk only goes up as they age.

Family history of arthritis

A family history of the condition, such as your parents and siblings suffering from arthritis. This factor may also make it more likely that you will develop the condition.


Your gender is another factor that can contribute to your development of arthritis.

Women are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis.

Men usually tend to develop gout, which is another type of arthritis.

Previous joint injuries

Old injuries from playing sports increase your chances of developing arthritis.


Being overweight puts excess weight on your joints. The weight adds stress to your body, which may increase your chances of developing arthritis.


Arthritis treatment relieves pain while improving your joint function. The treatment varies per person, and you may need to try several treatments and treatment combinations to find the best course of action for your case.


Medications will vary based on your type of arthritis.

Below are the types of medications you may be prescribed by your doctor.


These are anti-inflammatories that don’t contain steroids, such as Naproxen sodium and Advil. Take care when using these drugs because the stronger variations of this drug can cause heart attack, stomach irritation, and strokes.


Some medicines in the form of ointments and creams contain the ingredient that makes hot peppers spicy. Using the medicine topically may interfere with your pain signals to
offer pain relief.


Corticosteroid medication reduces inflammation and pain and slows down joint damage. These medications can be injected or taken orally. Side effects may cause weight gain and thinning of bones. Consult a doctor before using these drugs.

Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs

These drugs may slow down rheumatoid arthritis, and save your tissues and joints from damage. Using these drugs has the side effect of leaving your body susceptible to infections. Ask your doctor for advice on what drugs to use to treat your condition.

Never self-medicate, or you may experience fatal side effects when using these drugs. Make sure your treatments are approved and supervised by your doctor.

Take care of your health to ensure a proper recovery.


Getting physical therapy may help depending on which type of arthritis is affecting your body. It’s known that some exercises and tools can strengthen muscles and improve your range of motion.


If non-invasive solutions don’t work, then you may require surgery.

Joint repair surgery attempts to realign or smoothe your joint surfaces to improve your joint function and reduce pain. You may get an arthroscopic surgery wherein a small incision is made to repair your joints.

Joint replacement has your old joint replaced by a new one.

Joint fusion will see your smaller joints or some bigger joints have their ends removed and locked together until they heal as one bone.

Preparing for your appointment

Please try answering these questions for your appointment so we can better help you get relief for your condition.

1. Describe in detail your symptoms
2. What medical problems you have experienced in the past
3. Immediate family member’s medical problems
4. Dietary supplements and medications you take
5. Questions you have for your doctor

Home care

Here are a few suggestions for some home relief against arthritis.

Losing weight can reduce the stress your weight-bearing joints have to endure, which can reduce pain and increase your range of motion.

Hot and cold compress may relieve pain from arthritis.

Devices such as shoe inserts and canes can help you do your daily activities easier.

We at East Mesa provide the best care for all our patients, and will be happy to assist you in getting back to your normal routine.

Please fill up the contact form and set up an appointment for our assistance.

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