Advanced skills and experience for the results you desire

Hip Care Post-OP

Partial or Total Hip Replacement

  • Keep dressing on until post-op visit
  • Ice and elevate frequently for pain and selling; before and after activity
  • Exercise your ankle frequently when resting
  • Take your pain medication as prescribed
  • Resume your regular home medications unless instructed otherwise
  • Resume your regular diet
  • Use a walker or crutches for ambulation
  • Ambulate as tolerated
  • Walk daily increasing to tolerance
  • Follow your hip precautions as directed in the hospital; use chairs with arms, no bending at the waist more than 90 degrees
  • Call for an appointment to be 14 days from the day of surgery
  • Home health care arrangements will have been made on your behalf prior to leaving the hospital or rehab facility
  • Any problems call the office or go to the nearest emergency room